Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Group 1 to 7 - Novel Cover


Examine the photograph below. Reflect upon the ideas and impressions suggested by the photograph.

What ideas and impressions does the photograph suggest to you?

PART A (Essay)
1.    Start with a thesis statement, your answer to the question:

2.    Explain how the details in the visual and the creator’s choices support this idea. Then think of at least three points that back up your answer.


3.    Now, as you have a thesis statement and the support, which will act as a mini-outline, you will write a short essay for prose form, and write a personal response for perspective. 

4.  Post your response in the comment box and be sure to include your group # in the title. 

PART B (Feedback) - copy the headings listed below and paste in Google docs, complete, then copy back into comments down below. Respond only to the selected group:

                      Group 1 responds to Group 2
                      Group 2 responds to Group 1
                      Group 3 responds to Group 4
                      Group 4 responds to Group 3
                      Group 5 responds to Group 6
                      Group 6 responds to Group 7
                      Group 7 responds to Group 5

Post your response in the comment box under the group post in which you are responding to. Once again, include your group #. 

Responding to the blog 

Answer the following questions as a response to the blog post:

  • Identify the thesis statement
  • 2 to 3 topic sentences
  • 2 elements you thought were strong
  • 1 element that you feel was missed and would add value to the response. Explain.
  • 1 element that could be improved. Revise to make the sentence(s) stronger. 
Discuss these questions as a group and develop an answer together. 

Provide answers under the following headings: 

               Thesis Statement:

               Topic Sentences:

               Strong Elements:

               Valuable Additions:

               Element to Improve: